Culture and Religion – The way of living


What’s the difference between culture and religion?

The answer is narrow to most. But culture and religion have a different perspective. They deal with two different things. To make things simple let’s deal with one at a time


What is culture?


I hope many are familiar with the Indus valley or Harappan civilization. This civilization covered the regions of Sindhi, Punjab, Baluchistan, Gujarat, Rajasthan and a few parts of Uttar Pradesh dating back to 3300 B.C (bronze age). This is the place which gave rise to Hinduism.


The Harappan civilization was so advanced that, drainage, taxation, governance, worship, modern housing and political and socio-economic hierarchy among its people were the striking features. Same as we have now but in a different perspective.


Why this history here?. When we refer to culture “it is the way we live and shape our world. It is a way of living together that leads to sustainable development as a whole”.


Culture before religion was just a way of living or in other words, follow these to sustain in this world. The culture was devoted to living with nature harvesting its benefits. This is the reason why different culture exists. The culture is adversely affected by its environment. Eskimos have a different way of living than us because they understood nature in their own ways.


What is a religion?


Religion in simple is the way to contact god. But man for centuries perceived nature as god. It is when man began to think that the worldly forces were driven and maintained by an external entity, a power far superior to him he began to find ways to establish contact with him (It is unclear how people understood god. How did they establish a contact?. These were disclosed by several religious writings and inscription). It is the time when man feared god more than loving him religion became more important. This was because religion devoted itself to god. Religion guided them towards happiness in the afterlife. It also preached ways to live on earth so that one can reach god and live a happy life. ( In Hinduism Mukti was most sought than Dharma).This was common among most cultures


How did religion take over culture?


It was when religion meant the most, every decision became important as they were not to make the gods angry. People turned towards principles that showed them to lead a life that was happy to them and to gods. As many people believed in afterlife and reincarnations the fear grew along with excitement. Is there an afterlife? Are reincarnations true? Is a different subject. People’s greed for a happy living and a godly affair made religion the most sought place. They turned to religion to have a fulfillment ie, If I follow these I will be happy now and in death. The idea of full devotion to god will make their endeavor’s come true made them to strictly abide by religion. Thus religion began to guide the culture and became an integral part of culture. People attached to god were considered to be superior and people following the principles of their religion were considered equal (though this may not be true in some cases.)  Religion began to preach principles of living that man had to learn them the hard way in the stone age.


Though all religions in the world preach humanity and loving others as their common and basic principle, the idea was shadowed due to selfish reasons.


Now is it the day religion?


With science and technology up and running as it was never before the culture of today have given rise to a new group called Atheists. Though they were present earlier they were insignificant. Today a free independent world has given an opportunity for every man to express himself. This is making this group more popular as they can outreach to various groups. They can impart new ideas. A new perspective towards religion and the world . By this, I don’t mean that people are starting not to abide by the religion, but simply started to question most of its principles and practices. This has given rise to an even newer group whom I call as religious moderates. Note that religious extremists are a different subject. These moderates love god, question inhuman rituals in the name of religion. They do not believe in submission to god as they think that this is not what god wants from us. These people seek humanity the most but are still guided by religion (like a cat on the wall). They believe in god but doubt religion.


It is still the age of religion with most of the people in the world following one religion or the other. But the future is yet to say the answer for its continuity.





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